
imagesA Big ‘HALLO TO FEBRUARY’! I know three days passed and a week of no updates. One week had gone like a fuse lit on fire, flame burning to explode. From daily posts, I came to conclusion of posting a week may be if time allows. I really miss blogging, even the absence for a week made me realise how much I had enjoyed writing and sharing it in here. I am not sure how much a weekend i.e. Saturday or Sunday would give me time to blog. 😦

On my last post, I remember catching a flight to the place, I’m now in. Oh yes! It’s India, my love. It feels great to be back in college. Reconnecting with friends, subjects, assignments, studies and the list goes on.Though its never ending process until this year end. The last Saturday, my friend F got engaged. So, I and my batch mates had gone for it and had yummy’licious food. 😀 Had good time! 🙂

Talking about February (the month of Red), a month got over. Therefore, How’s it with you working on your Resolutions? Bad, Good…? Me?… Well, Resolutions never worked for me. Although, I wish to shed few calories. I gave up my plan of trials. All in vain, my sweet teeth never stops craving for more junky food. That says it all! I never stopped reading many of your posts. Great going!

Yesterday news does give us hope that springs. At last, the five out of six accused assaulter’s are being charged for the evidence of gang rape, kidnapping, murder, offences, destruction of evidences, & criminal conspiracy. I could see my smile broadened and my heart’s enlightened. I am sure so do you! Wishing all the happy days to come. A change yet to witness! Hopefully 🙂

P.S: I am in Red! Have you noticed it?
On coming Saturday, there is college party! Alas,

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