Occupation and Numbers

Hello folks, I hope you are doing fine and safe during these tough times. It's really hard to voice out a positive note on this particular pandemic phase where each day, there is an alarmingly rise in C-19 numbers. Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive next morning and still... Continue Reading →

Milestones do matter

This post is long overdue and once in here, it's official! From March, I'd been on serious consideration of changing the blog name and relatively pushed it away to May depending upon my updates and dedication to keep it alive. It has been quite a journey from 2012 onwards with WordPress and that's definitely not... Continue Reading →

Connected with Cobwebs

The other day when I woke up early, it was kind of misty. Not knowing what disturbed my beautiful dream. AND there was a gigantic cockroach crawling over me. That shook the complete slumber if I'd any. Yet without say, how the HELL does this house has many creatures?! I swear! Staying in my uncle... Continue Reading →

Destiny, Belief, and Hope! #MondayMusings

It hit me out from nowhere! I stepped out onto the balcony for some fresh air to enjoy some me-time. The cool breeze and the pink flowers lit my world into happiness. The joy of enjoying the little moments with your black tea and a pinch of strawberry. Ah... Splendid! Enjoying for a millisecond, the... Continue Reading →

My Quietness

When trying to get out of comfort zone, you actually encounter your life is nothing but that quietness. It isn't just silence, more of chaos and little extended dramas in your life...


It was that day after weeks, after that hit song released that everyone had it in their lips. It was that day, clouds were partying like never before in all glory bashing in disco lights. It was that day, I ransacked the old closet in search of my sissy's layered skirt and chiffon tail (duppatta).  It... Continue Reading →

My Travel Diary #2

My travel didn't end in just a flight journey to Rishikesh, definitely with some shots in Delhi as well. There are many popular spots in Delhi that we couldn't cover in a day.  Our convention was a three-day event, however, we stayed in Delhi first to roam around for a day. Our first stop was... Continue Reading →

My Teachers

Words encouraging enough to polish us better That little push to climb over hurdles Sometimes, Sacrificing to just see that smile. To hear those words of upliftment. That relief of getting it done in spite to pull our lazy socks, And yell it loud before examinations "We can do it". Months of cramping on books... Continue Reading →

My Shadow

It will find me Where ever I am Travel to seek my soul Crown my head Chained my neck It will find me Even if I don't reach out Crawling towards me To find the light  Out of my tunnel Swallowing my depths of sanity It will pass over me When I'm in my lowest... Continue Reading →

Wordless Wednesday #6 (<1min read)

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