Wonder Woman 

Indian Bloggers

She rubbed gauze over my burnt area absentminded.

“Ouch”, I yelped

What you doing? I’m in pain, Maa…

It’s still tender there…

Sarah looked down at her younger daughter eyes and mumbled sorry. She slowly blew over my wounds having a weary look.

“Maa, you don’t know how to do. I’ll do it. It’s okay you leave. Go take shower.”

She handed me the gauze and ran to the bathroom. That’s what I thought.

In few minutes, she brought my dinner and kept on the table.

Maa, what you doing? It’s 22:00. Don’t you’ve night shift?

Oh, what to do Angel?

After few minutes passed by, she opened my door and asked, How am I doing.

Do you need anything else?

How’s the pain?

It’s reduced, maa… Angel smiled..

Yet, Sarah’s thoughts were on her little one when she was running late for her night shift.

That’s what a wonder woman does being super special in midst of difficulties.  Not difficulties, but managing to be a super woman when you’ve an abusive husband, negligent child.. something like that for the things that mothers do. Right?
P.S: On Mother’s day, I’d typed this piece and on my mother’s birthday, I wanted to post it.

But both didn’t happen. 😁🤗

Miles apart, I only can think of is her smile! 😇

My mother send this link on WhatsApp Do read if you get time. ✌

  • missing my dear ones Kikibee

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